fun in the snow
meeting Masai Warriors
a new blog with an online friend
watching new skills being learned
Chinese New Year celebrations
Spring farm visits
Spring flowers
fun play
more Spring flowers
Spring trips to the beach and parks
Cleaning the greenhouses
Some spinning time
... on my "new to me" wheel
preparing for a school craft visit
Earth Day
Beautiful blossoms
planting seeds and seedlings
Spinning at a show
More visits to the farm
Sunny hot days
walking to school - a lovely time to reflect
Days out
growing and allotment time
Pirate day at school
More days out
Time for some wool washing
and carding on the (new to me) Drum Carder
and finally cracking Crochet
lovely things growing
fun days out
fun at home
fun at the beach (again)
Busy allotment time
Gardening at school
School sports day
oh go on, a bit more spinning!
Holiday boat trips
visiting castles
beautiful scenery
dressing up
holiday beach days
![]() |
meeting our holiday neighbours |
visiting the National Wool Museum
bountiful harvests
Summertime fun
meeting local wildlife
fun outdoors
Autumn foraging
knitting with handspun
weaving handspun
more spinning
Spinning at The Romsey Show
... ready for 6!
6th Birthday
Birthday gifts
Birthday trip to the Zoo
Autumn Season Corner
Conkers and autumn crafts at art club
yes, more spinning
Pumpkin time
Gifts from Australia - lovely just sheared Merino
Preserving harvests
Woolly day at the Guild
Alex playing Ukelele at the Pumpkin Festival
and Imogen dressed for the occasion
little knitted treasures
crafting for Christmas
Gruffalo forest walk
Fireworks and flame torch parade
Felting for the shop
Imogens felted poppy (nicer than mine!)
Guild challenge cushion
Making Christmas cards
Visiting Father Christmas and his Reindeer
snow ... but hoping for some of the real stuff
new season tree
and season corner figures
and old ones returned for the Winter
the joy of craft swaps
and making gifts for family
keeping up with traditions
and visiting local sights
finishing knitted gifts
discovering gifts on Christmas day
taking them in before opening the next one
crafting with new sewing box and fabrics
practising her new Ukelele
post Christmas walk around Lichfield Cathedral
It's been a good year, full of lovely things and memories to treasure in our hearts and minds. We're ready for you now 2012 ... Happy New Year everyone for 2012.