Saturday, 30 May 2009

Saturday allotment day

Another trip to the allotment. Wow it was a hot one up there today. Alex planted out some more brassicas, netted them and planted out some more tomato plants too.

The Buckwheat was growing at a pace so had a haircut and the greenery was added to the compost, it will now re-grow and then be dug into the bed when the potatoes are ready for lifting from the tyre stacks.

Imogen had a great time getting dirty! She also helped Daddy plant the tomatoes.

Our neighbouring allotmenteer last week was curious about the re-use of beer bottles as bed edging, Alex said he thinks we're a bit mad. But he must have gone away and thought about it as this week he was praising the idea! He's a funny guy, but very complementary of the work we have done and finds some of our ideas interesting.

The other main jobs were a bit of weeding and then lots of harvesting. We had a large crate (from our veg box scheme) and filled it with Broad Beans, Swiss Chard, Spinach and Rocket.

Needless to say our tea last night was gorgeous Broad Beans sauteed in butter with sage (from the garden) and garlic accompanied by some rice and a salad using the leaves gathered today. It's great to have so many components of your meals come fresh from the garden or allotment.


  1. fantastic crops , thanks for the recipe too, was wondering what else to do with the broad beans x

  2. Harvesting already, wonderful. Here's to a good growing season!


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