Tuesday, 27 July 2010

New toys ...?

Oh yes ....

but not for Imogen, these are Mommy toys. Although I'm sure Imogen will have a play with some of them with me over time.

The guild sales table is a dangerous place to someone who can't resist a bargain, and especially a craft bargain. So what did I do at the last meeting? Only volunteered to help out at the sales table with another member as the usual sales table lady was away at a show.

Of course helping out means you get to see things that people bring in to sell. Now, I should start by saying I did not buy a spinning wheel which appeared. Oh no I didn't, tempting as it was a smaller one than mine, something I'm thinking about ... but not just yet. This wheel was lovingly made by one of the members fathers who has made several wheels apparently. But I resisted, and it didn't stay unsold for too long.

Next appeared an Inkle Loom, an Ashford Inklette to be precise - the smaller one - and I've recently been looking at these but couldn't really afford the approx £30 price of them. This one appeared, in brand new condition, with all the bits still in the bag attached to it ... £12. Sold. Bargain.

Asford Inklette (inkle loom) finding a new home

Then there were some Weavette blocks, again something I've thought about before, as an introduction to weaving (I have no space for a table or floor loom ... no really I don't!). Two in a box, one 2" square and the other 4" square ... £5. Sold. Real Bargain, as I only realised later that there was an old price sticker on the bottom of the box for £25, they were used but in excellent condition. So I have been having a play with these - so quick to do and pretty easy. Will show you some results another time. A great way to use up all those bits of wool you just can't throw away.

Weavette loom squares

So is that all I went home with?

No, I didn't think you'd believe me either. I also went home with this big box ...


Yes, a drum carder. Sadly though I didn't buy this, although not that sad as they are soooo expensive to buy. Luckily I belong to a guild that owns one and loans it to members for a small monthly fee, and as we don't meet in August I have it for 2 months. Oh the fun I'm going to have with this. It took a bit to get going but now I know what I'm doing I should get lots of wool into batts for spinning soon, will certainly get it carded quicker and with less effort on the arms than the hand carders, but I do enjoy hand carding.

Drum carder on loan


  1. It's fatal when you see the word sale isn't it? Have fun with your new toys ;0)

  2. Absolutely Shell.
    Having a good play with the toys, especially the weaving square and the carder.
    The carder needs to work hard for a bit now too ;-) (more in another post).

  3. Lovely new toys Dawn. Have fun with them. Oh, to get my hands on a drum carder...! Look forward to reading how you get on carding.

  4. How excellent to get the loan of the carder! We've just paid silly money to get a couple of fleeces washed and machine carded...lovely result but hardly economical ;) Ah, for the love of yarn... :) xx

  5. That looks like will be so much fun!!

    What brand is this carder? Never seen it before

    1. It's a David Barnett one, made in the UK, don't think they are made now as he retired but not sure.


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