Our stone balancing art
There are quite a few things I want to write about here to update on life, gardening, allotment goings on, spinning ... just finding the time to collate my thoughts and some pictures to reflect on it has been non-existent. Too busy just enjoying doing these things and the wonderful weather!
Well the Easter holidays are over and having been back to school for 3 days, there is now the break for the Royal Wedding and May Day.
Quiet beach and Sea Kale
Splashing fun
We had a great time relaxing, having a picnic lunch and some toe dipping and splashing for Imogen. She enjoyed picking things up with her net, including a fish that she was very proud of catching, although I should point out that it was a dead fish!
Fishing on the bridge
With the gorgeous weather we ventured to the beach again a few days later, having been to the library and spent time in the garden and at parks in between, this time to another spot on the edge of the new Forest.
Watching the waves
Spot Imogen far out at Sea
Here we spent a long time on the beach again, this beach has sand so we were able to build some sandcastles. Imogen did a little "rockpool" dipping - although it's not really the right beach, but hey she had fun netting seaweed, stones and shells.
Building Sandcastles with seaweed flags
I had a little paddle with her at this beach and the water was lovely and wam in the sunshine. We went on to the woodland and the park after some lunch, and when the tide came in closer and then enjoyed an icecream before returning home. Another lovely day.
Splashing and "rockpooling"
This brings us up to the Easter weekend ... next post for that one I think. Back soon.